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Consero Solutions empowers local organizations to enrich communities and protect the environment.

program & project managemet

North San Joaquin Water Conservation District

Consero Solutions helped the North San Joaquin Water Conservation District, a special district responsible for delivering surface water to growers and helping achieve groundwater sustainability in the Eastern San Joaquin Subbasin, with development of a strategic plan and passage of a district-wide groundwater charge. Consero has also helped the District secure over $11 million in grants for surface water system improvements and supports all of the District's community engagement efforts, including town hall meetings and newsletters. 

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Truckee Library Project

Consero Solutions worked with representatives from the Friends of the Truckee Library, the Town of Truckee, and Nevada County to identify points of agreement and outstanding issues related to construction of a modern 20,000 square foot library. This work resulted in the foundation for a Joint Powers Agency to raise funds, design, and construct the library, including facilitating group meetings, helping the core partners reach agreement on key items, and authoring a final memo for adoption by the Friends of the Library Board of Directors, the Nevada County Board of Supervisors, and the Town of Truckee Council. 

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San Joaquin County Resource Conservation District Paradise Cut Bypass Expansion

Consero Solutions worked with the San Joaquin County Resource Conservation District to manage over $2 million for the initial phase of a multi-benefit floodplain restoration project adjacent to the San Joaquin River. In partnership with American Rivers, the Resource Conservation District secured state funding for the Paradise Cut Conservation and Flood Management Plan and the Paradise Cut Flood and Easement Acquisition project. Consero assisted with contracts and budget, maintaining task completion timelines, coordinating with subcontractors and project partners, and conducting community outreach and engagement sessions.

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Yolo County Office of Education Roadmap to the Future

Consero Solutions works the with Yolo County Office of Education to manage the Roadmap to the Future, a multi-year process to develop a long-term plan to help coordinate the services, supports, and opportunities children, youth, and families in Yolo County need to thrive, as well as establish a shared framework to ensure their healthy development. As the project manager, Consero Solutions is responsible for maintaining the overall project timeline, coordinating internal and external meetings, following up on action items, reviewing deliverables, and coordinating the work of multiple consultants.

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Madison Community Services District

Under contract with Yolo County, Consero Solutions helped the Madison Community Services District (CSD), a special district that provides clean, safe water for residents of the small unincorporated community of Madison, to secure $3.8 million from the Department of Water Resources (DWR) Small Communities Drought Relief Program. Consero is managing the DWR grant and partnering with the CSD's engineering firm to manage the design and construction of the Madison CSD Drinking Water System Improvement Project.

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Yolo Habitat Conservation Plan/Natural Community Conservation Plan

Consero Solutions turned around a struggling agency and completed a countywide conservation plan to preserve 32,000 acres of habitat for 12 endangered and threatened species, as well as streamline Endangered Species Act permitting in Yolo County. In addition to leading the Conservancy's efforts to complete the plan and managing all aspects of the agency's finances, Consero Solutions helped secure $10 million in state and federal grants between 2012 and 2019 for both planning and implementation. The HCP/NCCP received the 2020 Award of Merit for Innovation in Green Community Planning from the American Planning Association California Chapter, as well as the Sacramento Valley APA Section Award of Excellence in the same category.

Grasslands Regional Park Burrowing Owl Reserve Management

Consero Solutions worked with the Yolo County General Services Department to resolve issues with local partners regarding the management of a 60-acre reserve for burrowing owls on Grasslands Regional Park. Consero brought together representatives from the Burrowing Owl Preservation Society, the Yolo County Resource Conservation District, the University of California at Davis, the City of Davis, and Yolo County to develop management recommendations that were acceptable to all parties to improve existing management.    

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Yolo Community Foundation COVID-19 Nonprofit Relief Initiative

Consero Solutions partnered with the Yolo Community Foundation and Yolo County to develop a new emergency grant program on an expedited four-week schedule. The program resulted in the distribution of over $400,000 to local nonprofits affected by the COVID-19 crisis. Program development included creation of a detailed Action Plan approved by local agency staff and elected officials, design of new website pages, development of a social media outreach toolkit, formation of a governance structure, and creation of a fundraising strategy.

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Cache Creek Nature Preserve Visitor Center Project

Consero Solutions worked with Yolo County to provide project management services for the Cache Creek Nature Preserve Visitor Center project, a proposed new visitor center at the Cache Creek Nature Preserve to enhance experiential learning opportunities for local students and the public. The project will also extend existing trails along Cache Creek. Consero’s role included overseeing project development, managing the process to complete 100% design drawings, drafting a state grant application, and leading a robust public engagement process to ensure the design reflects community values. 


North San Joaquin Water Conservation District Communications Projects

Consero Solutions supports the North San Joaquin Water Conservation District with communications and public outreach. Since the District aims to consistently provide information to local landowners about activities to help achieve groundwater sustainability in the critically over-drafted groundwater basin in which they are located, Consero works to develop bi-annual newsletters to mail to residents and facilitates periodic public outreach meetings and communication opportunities to share information and and invite community feedback.


Paradise Cut Community Engagement

Consero Solutions worked with the San Joaquin County Resource Conservation District, the South Delta Water Agency, and the nonprofit American Rivers to host multiple public outreach meetings over two years to secure feedback on a proposed flood bypass expansion in San Joaquin County, known as  the Paradise Cut Expansion and South Delta Restoration Project. Consero helped facilitate an agreement with over a dozen reclamation districts to designate the San Joaquin Area Flood Control Agency as the project’s lead agency and support for over $13 million in state funding to advance the project. Consero facilitated  large public  and small private meetings with interested parties, edited key technical documents, and drafted the final agreement. If constructed, the new flood bypass will add significant capacity to the State of California’s flood control system in this area, as well as restore habitat.

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Solano County Sandy Beach Community Outreach

Consero supports Solano County’s work to solicit input from the Sandy Beach community, a private community of 42 homes in Vallejo, California, on options available to homeowners to improve fire protection in the community. Consero assisted Solano County and the City of Vallejo Fire Department refine options to present to the community and facilitated a meeting with homeowners. This included drafting of talking points and slides, and working with speakers to ensure consistency and effectiveness of the presentation through the facilitation of a pre-meeting. Consero developed meeting materials, including the invitation, handouts, and a survey on preferred options.

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Yolo Bypass Wildlife Area Habitat and Drainage Improvement Project

In addition to helping to secure $3.7 million in grant funding, Consero Solutions worked with Yolo County, Ducks Unlimited, and the Yolo Basin Foundation to create and implement a community engagement strategy to promote the multi-agency partnership that resulted in the construction of the Yolo Wildlife Area Habitat and Drainage Improvement Project in 2020. Consero developed the communications plan and public outreach materials, including a social media campaign.

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Yolo County Flood Control and Water Conservation District


Consero supports efforts of the Yolo County Flood Control and Water Conservation District (District), an independent special district providing water supplies for western Yolo    agriculture, to secure funding for priority projects, such as a proposed project to construct water supply infrastructure, secure permits, and operate the District’s canal system to provide 2,000 acre-feet of Cache Creek water to enhance instream flows in neighboring Putah Creek. The District proposes to use its water distribution system to store water underground for later extraction to Putah Creek or directly divert excess winter flows from Cache Creek to augment flows in Putah Creek. Consero helped draft the District’s application to the California Department of Water Resources to fund this work. 

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City of Davis Climate Action & Adaptation Plan Grant Strategy

Consero Solutions worked with the City of Davis develop a three-year grant strategy to secure funding for priority projects in the City's 2020-2040 Climate Action and Adaptation Plan (CAAP), which will guide the City's work to attain carbon neutrality by 2040. Consero worked with the CAAP management team to developing detailed project descriptions to ensure grant competitiveness, matching priority projects to state and federal grant opportunities, and working with Yolo County to identify common objectives and opportunities to partner on grant applications and project implementation.


Yolo Subbasin Groundwater Agency Grant Strategy & Sustainable Groundwater Management Act Grant Application

Consero Solutions worked with the Yolo Subbasin Groundwater Agency (YSGA), a 26-member agency charged with planning and implementing the Yolo Subbasin Sustainable Groundwater Management Plan, to develop a three-year grant strategy to help implement actions to achieve groundwater sustainability in the region, including groundwater recharge projects, water recycling, and feasibility studies to evaluate. alternative water supplies. Consero worked with agency leaders and YSGA member agencies to prioritize projects, develop detailed project descriptions to ensure projects are competitive for grant opportunities, and matched projects to grants. Consero helped the YSGA implement the grant strategy, including assisting with with a successful $7.9 million state grant application to implement priority actions. 

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City of Davis Interactive Water Feature Grant Application

Consero Solutions worked with the City of Davis to successfully apply for a $2.784 million California State Parks grant to renovate Central Park and create an interactive water-play feature. The project will include new water-efficient irrigation; a solar-powered, ultraviolet water disinfection system; new trees and a pollinator garden; public art; educational signage; and additional benches, shade structures, and gathering spaces. The new splash pad area will be named "Natalie's Corner" in honor of Natalie Corona, a Davis Police Officer who was killed in the line of duty in 2019.

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County of Yolo Knights Landing Boat Launch Grant Application

Consero Solutions assisted Yolo County Parks with the management of a $1.4 million Wildlife Conservation Board grant to improve the Knights Landing Boat Launch, resulting in the 2020 construction of a new, expanded boat ramp, a bathroom, interpretative signage, and drought-tolerant landscaping. Consero helped Yolo County Parks secure the initial grant and provided assistance with permitting, project management, and public outreach. Located on the Sacramento River in Yolo County, the site is a launch-point for the Delta, attracting as many as 28,000 visitors annually from Yolo County as well as Solano, Napa, and Sacramento Counties.

Yolo Bypass Westside Tributaries Flow Monitoring Project Grant Application

On behalf of Yolo County and the University of California, Davis Center for Watershed Sciences, Consero Solutions completed a full proposal to the California Department of Fish and Wildlife for Proposition 1 funding, resulting in a $331,148 award to Yolo County. Consero will assist Yolo County with management of the project over the three-year grant period. The grant resulted in the collection and analysis of previously uncollected data on four westside tributaries to the Yolo Bypass: Putah Creek, Cache Creek, Knights Landing Ridge Cut Canal, and Willow Slough Bypass. This data and the modeling it supports are being used to inform management decisions in the Yolo Bypass Project.


Grasslands Regional Park Vernal Pool Education Grant Application

Consero Solutions helped Yolo County Parks, in partnership with the Yolo Basin Foundation, secure a $65,200 California State Parks Department grant to support a new docent-led vernal pool education program at Grasslands Regional Park. The program will provide hands-on, inquiry-based science education to over 7,000 urban and suburban residents over the four-year grant period. Consero facilitated the partnership between Yolo County Parks and the Yolo Basin Foundation, assisted with the grant application, and secured support from additional partners.

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Grasslands Regional Park Trail System Grant Application

In coordination with Yolo County staff, Consero Solutions prepared a successful $107,083 request to the California State Parks and Recreation’s Habitat Conservation Fund for the development of a new trail system and dog park in Grasslands Regional Park. Consero Solutions drafted the proposal, collaborated with local partners to obtain input on the proposed trail, and consulted with State Parks to ensure project consistency with program priorities. This trail system is the first trail at the 600-acre park and provides the public unique access to view and experience one of the last remaining undisturbed remnants of California prairie that historically characterized the region. 


City of Davis Comprehensive Funding Plan

Consero Solutions completed four Comprehensive Funding Plans for the City of Davis, in 2016, 2018, 2020, and 2022, which have resulted in over $25 million in secured funding. Consero helped the City develop project priorities, matched the priorities to grant opportunities, and worked with Department heads and the City Manager to finalize the funding plans for Council approval. The plans have included the Urban Forest Management Plan and Tree Planting Project, the I-80 Richards Boulevard Multi-Modal Interchange Improvement Project, and the Central Park Interactive Water Feature Project. 

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Yolo County 2022-2025 Climate Early Action Grant Strategy

Consero Solutions completed the Yolo County 2022-2025 Climate Early Action Grant Strategy, which identified grant opportunities for five early action projects focused on sequestering carbon and reducing greenhouse gas emissions in unincorporated Yolo County to help Yolo County achieve a just economic recovery and transition to a countywide carbon negative footprint by 2030. Consero worked with the Yolo County Climate Action Commission to solicit climate-focused projects from the public, develop the projects, and match projects to grant opportunities. The Yolo County Climate Action Commission reviewed the strategy, Consero began assisting Yolo County staff with grant applications for projects included as early actions in the grant strategy.

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Yolo County Community Services Department


Consero works with the Yolo County Community Services Department to help preserve habitat, facilitate recreation, and support wildlife-friendly agriculture in the Yolo Bypass, a 57,000-acre land area designed to provide flood protection to the Sacramento region. Consero evaluates proposed projects which may impact existing land uses, reviews policy documents, and develops recommendations for senior staff and the Yolo County Board of Supervisors. Consero also assists with community engagement, including facilitating outreach meetings and assisting with newsletters and other outreach materials.


Solano County Cache Slough Complex Policy Support

Consero Solutions supports the work of Solano County to engage in state and federal policy decisions related to the Sacramento-San Joaquin Delta (Delta), including working to ensure multi-benefit habitat and flood protection projects proposed by the state and federal government, some of which cost hundreds of millions of dollars, and advance important local priorities, such as agricultural production, local drinking water quality and supply, flood protection, and recreation opportunities. Solano County is one of five California counties that comprise the Sacramento-San Joaquin Delta, a heavily modified area covering over 738,000 acres in which the Sacramento River and the San Joaquin River join to create an important estuary for fish and wildlife. The Delta includes the Cache Slough region in Solano County, an extensive network of agricultural land, remnant and restored wetlands, and tidal channels and lakes. The Cache Slough region drains the 57,000-acre Yolo Bypass, connects directly to the Sacramento River, and is increasingly the focus of tidal and wetland habitat restoration efforts.


Solano County Affordable Housing

Consero Solutions assisted Solano County with identifying options to construct affordable housing for at-risk communities, such as veterans, aging-out foster youth, low-income working families, and people who are unhoused and living with mental illness, substance abuse, or physical disabilities. Consero identified funding opportunities, analyzed the 2019-20 state budget and housing trailer bills, interviewed County staff to assess the current status of affordable housing in Solano, consulted affordable housing and homelessness experts, interviewed other counties about their affordable housing efforts, and incorporated findings into a memorandum to the County Board of Supervisors outlining options for next steps. This resulted in the hiring of a Solano County "housing czar" and investment in the development of a countywide plan to address affordable housing needs.

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Yolo County Rural Initiative Program

Consero Solutions worked with Yolo County staff to develop the Yolo County Rural Initiative Program, including evaluation of applications for funding from rural communities, collaboration with local applicants, and identification of state and federal funding opportunities to leverage General Fund resources. Consero Solutions helped Yolo County staff prioritize projects and develop recommendations for Board of Supervisor approval in 2016. As a result of this work, the Board of Supervisors approved $171,290 for eight important projects in the rural communities of Esparto, Dunnigan, Clarksburg, Knights Landing, and Madison.

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East Contra Costa County Habitat Conservancy

Consero supports the work of East Contra Costa County Habitat Conservancy to implement the East Contra Costa County Natural Community Conservation Plan and Habitat Conservation Plan (HCP/NCCP), a regional plan to conserve between 23,000 and 30,000 acres of habitat for 28 special status species over 30 years and streamline permitting for development and infrastructure projects. In 2024, Consero completed a workforce capacity analysis to help the Conservancy increase efficiency, support professional development and cross-training, and improve organizational planning. Consero also assisted the Conservancy with securing a $250,000 grant from the California Department of Fish and Wildlife to complete a proposed design to restore the former Roddy Ranch golf course to new habitat for special status species.

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National Habitat Conservation Plan Coalition Improvements

Consero Solutions developed the financial policies and procedures, committee charters, membership policy, and other foundational documents for a new national non-profit organization, the National Habitat Conservation Plan Coalition. The Coalition supports large-scale Habitat Conservation Plans to facilitate local economic development and conservation of threatened and endangered species and their habitats. In addition to supporting the development of guiding documents, Consero supports the Coalition’s day-to-day operations by managing memberships and supporting financial management.


North San Joaquin Water Conservation District Organization Improvements

Consero Solutions is helping build the North San Joaquin Water Conservation District from a small, special district with limited resources to a leader in local efforts to achieve groundwater sustainability in the Eastern San Joaquin Subbasin. In this role, Consero recommended and guided the development of the District's inaugural strategic plan and first-ever Board of Directors Policy Manual. Consero also supported the District as they initiated recruitment for their first District Manager. 


Visit Yolo Organization Evaluation

Consero Solutions helped Visit Yolo evaluate existing operations and identify opportunities to improve governance and management as part of its transition to a Tourism Business Improvement District. In addition to completing a memo outlining opportunities to improve operations, Consero assisted an attorney with the development of new bylaws, worked with staff to complete a new financial policies and procedures manual, helped implement internal controls, and developed a new governance structure for the Board of Directors. Consero also provided Executive Director support services, assisted with the development of annual budgets and financial reports, and drafted Board meeting materials as needed. ​

Putah Creek Council Governance Improvements 

Consero Solutions helped the Putah Creek Council, a nonprofit organization that works to enhance and restore the Putah Creek watershed, improve governance and operations. Consero Solutions completed a thorough review of financial policies, Board of Directors procedures, the employee handbook, the budget, and other organization materials, as well as conducted interviews with Board members and staff. The evaluation resulted in a memo outlining 30 opportunities to improve management of the Council in the three categories of finances, human resources, and governance. The Board of Directors adopted and implemented all 30 recommendations.

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Yolo Healthy Aging Alliance

Consero Solutions assisted the Yolo Healthy Aging Alliance, a nonprofit dedicated to promoting the wellbeing of older adults and caregivers through education, collaboration, and advocacy, with identifying actions to improve the organization's fiscal foundation and governance. This work included reviewing existing organization materials, conducting interviews and attending meetings with organization leaders, and delivering a draft and final memo to the organization's Board of Directors with prioritized opportunities for improvement. 

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Yolo Habitat Conservancy State Advocacy Program

On behalf of the Yolo Habitat Conservancy, Consero Solutions worked with the California Habitat Conservation Planning Coalition to secure $52 million in Proposition 68 funding for implementation of Habitat Conservation Plans (HCPs) and Natural Community Conservation Plans (NCCPs). The Conservancy and the Coalition are also working to secure state funding through the annual budget process. The funding would assist with the implementation of HCPs and NCCPs throughout California. Consero Solutions continues to help the Coalition advocate for statewide conservation priorities.

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City of Davis Legislative Platform

Consero Solutions assisted the City of Davis with developing and implementing a state legislative platform and advocacy policy in 2019 and 2020. Over the course of eight months, Consero worked closely with City staff and the Legislative Subcommittee to solicit and review draft legislative proposals from department heads, prioritize the proposals, develop them into a legislative platform, and help the City implement its platform by preparing fact sheets, convening meetings with legislators and legislative staffers to discuss proposals and pending legislation, and engaging in community outreach to enlist supporters. The platform resulted in the ability to increase fees for a downtown parking structure, changes to grant guidelines to improve eligibility, and an increase in the cap on regional planning grants.

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231 G St. Suite 21
Davis, CA 95616


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